Tuesday 17 April 2012

Dato Keramat

Who was Dato Keramat? Why was he called Dato Keramat? What is the significance about Dato Keramat? 

Dato Keramat was a saint/sage in Penang. He died long ago and is buried in Kubur Dato Keramat in Jalan Perak, near Jelutong. Tanah Perkuburan Jalan Perak is an ancient expansive Muslim graveyard.

Links for Dato Keramat:
Malik is a descendant of Dato Keramat. He can be contacted in Facebook:

Where is Dato Keramat?

Dato Keramat is also the name of the locality at the edge of Georgetown that leads on to the Botanical Gardens. Dato Keramat is a large and busy main street. In the old days, the tram line runs the length of Dato Keramat Road (Jalan Dato Keramat). The tram station was also in Jalan Dato Keramat. There is an old building there today which could have been the tram HQ for the trolleys. The tram was discontinued when buses became available in Penang.

Dato Mohamed Anwar Fazal Mohamed has more on the trams in Penang. I learned about the trams in Penang from Dato Anwar Fazal, who was once my grandfather's neighbour.

Links for Dato Anwar Fazal

Tram in Penang back then. Photo from Penang Museum display.

Jalan Dato Keramat in Penang today (April 2012). Photo by me.