The 501452 hardcover and softcover books arrived today via USPS. I didn't hear the van outside my home but my husband and youngest daughter did; they got the parcel for me. I had thought it was an early Raya present! LOL. This is what came in the post/mail today.
UPS parcel from the printer in USA. The parcel felt very light, and I had thought it was a dress!! LOL |
501452 Paperback (left) and hardcover (right) books. |
The paperback spine was a bit damaged but the book is good. |
Another shot of the damaged spine. A lot of glue to hold the broken spine in place. |
Page 203 has a row of upside-down icons. The icons are: Facebook, Email, smartphone, open book, and house. |
Paperback with a nicely pressed spine impression. |
Hardcover is a blue book with a jacket. The blue book spine says 'Rashid' and the title. |
Hardcover 'blue book' and its jacket (at right). |
Jacket for the hardcover. |
My collection of small book (501452) materials: 3 books, 5 posters, 50 order forms, 50 bookmarks and 50 business cards. These will disappear in no time as the children are after the bookmark and business card as souvenirs. |
Close-up, same as above, from left: books, order form (picture postcard, ppc), bookmark (long black one), business card (cutest of them all). The posters are underneath. My USM business card is near the one that Xlibris printed.
Published date: 17 July 2012
The inside pages are black and white. Link to Faridah Books
How to Order from Xlibris
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How to Order from
If you wish to buy, please buy from or within 1 year of publication (17 July 2012-17 July 2013) as they offer the cheapest price. After that the book is only available from Xlibris but at a higher price.
Xlibris will continue to sell my book even after I die and for 100 years before my book will enter public domain (which means you can download it for free 100 years after I'm dead). The 100 years duration is according to US Copyright Laws. In Malaysia and elsewhere, it is only 50 or 75 years. |