The Straits Times, 2 April 1949,
Page 8
Votes for
all no property qualification. 2. Water-borne sewerage
for all. 3. Government contribution to Municipal Kate Fund. 4. Marketing
faculties properly
5. Higher Municipal posts open to all localborn.
6. Safeguards for
public health and adequate town cleansing. CITY (2376 words)
Dr Abdul Samat bin Pagak, 3 years before he passed away. Source: The Straits Times, 2 April 1949, Page 8 |
Dr Abdul Samat bin Pagak (1902-1952)
Date of birth: 1902
Place of birth: Malaya or Singapore (in different accounts)
Occupation: Medical doctor and community leader
- Prominent community leader. Co-founder of the Singaporean United Malay (Kesatuan Melayu Singapura, KMS) along with En Mohd Eunos Abdullah in 1927.
- Member of the former Advisory Council.
- Member, Management Committee of the Young Muslim Physical and Literary Union in 1935.
- Assistant Medical Officer (AMO), S.S. Medical Service, on Secondment for service under the Government of Sarawak, with pension in 1937.
- Served on the joint Singapore-Malayan Union committee for the Heasman report on income tax in 1947.
- Municipal Commissioner, Singapore Municipal Commission. Represented Progressive South Ward in 1949.
- Resigned from the Singapore Municipal Commission (Prog. South Ward) in September 1950.
Date of demise: Thursday, 24 July 1952, at 1.30 a.m.
Place of demise: RSUP, Jakarta, Java, Indonesia
Place of burial: Karet Tanah Abang, Jakarta
Date of burial: Thursday, 24 July 1952, 3.30 p.m.
Dr Abdul Samat bin Haji Pagak (aged 50) passed away on
Thursday morning, 24 July 1952 at 1.30 a.m. at Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat (RSUP) in
Jakarta, Java, Indonesia.
He was ill for a few weeks
before he passed away about a month after
Raya Puasa (Ramadan fasting began on 25 May 1952;
Aidilfitri was on 24 June 1952). Even though Dr Abdul Samat was a
heavy smoker, his cause of death remains unknown.
According to Mutalib Mahmood, his
grandfather (Dr Abdul Samat) was buried in Jakarta, Indonesia. According to a
local Indonesian newspaper article,
he was buried the same day
in the evening, on 24 July 1952 at 3.30 p.m. at Karet Tanah Abang in Jakarta.
The well-kept expansive graveyard
at Tanah Abang is by the Krukut River in Central Jakarta. The Tanah Abang
graveyard is approximately 7.7 km from his family’s residence and takes 23
minutes’ drive via the old hospital (RSUP), now RSUP Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo
Dr Cipto Mangunkusumo
(1886-1943) was one of the national heroes of Indonesia who fought against the
Dutch for Indonesia’s independence.
Author's notes:
- Sarafian Salleh from Singapore (Tuah Bugis on Facebook) provided update on Haji Daeng Pagak, who was a Syeikh Haji in Singapore.
- Two family members have contacted the author on Facebook (2 Sept 2018) - Tanny Hamzah Samat (He was my grandfather), and Isa Samat @ Nong Samat (He was my father).
- Two grandchildren have emailed the author - Mutalib Mahmood and Selina Mahmood. Mutalib Mahmood had provided a video and many photos of Dr Abdul Samat.
- Granddaughters, Lauren Samat and Missy Samat, have contacted the author on Facebook (20 March 2020). Their brother is Stacy Samat. Their parents are Mohamed (Mohd Thayib Samat and Stephanie Samat). Mohd Thayib Samat is the youngest of six children of Dr Abdul Samat.
- Other names found on Facebook are Harsami Samat, Bonny Abdul Samat, and Ilham Samat, but their relationship to Dr Abdul Samat is unknown to the author.
- Junus @ H. M. Yunus bin Abdul Samat (1931-2013) had useful photos on his Facebook. His son Raymond Samat provided and ordered the names of Dr Abdul Samat's 6 children on Facebook (20 March 2020).
- Dr Abdul Samat had 6 children, 5 sons and a daughter.
- I have no information on Dr Abdul Samat's parents and siblings. His father was a Syeikh Haji (whereabout in Singapore?). Who was his mother? How many brothers and sisters did Dr Abdul Samat have?
- Awaiting for further reply from the family.
- I can be contacted on Facebook and via Gmail.

Dr. Abdul Samad
A Singaporean. Noted as the first Malay to enter the Singapore medical school (Roff, 2000). Led the Singaporean Muslim Association (Persatuan Islam Singapura, 1920-1928). He was the founder of the Singaporean United Malay (Kesatuan Melayu Singapura, KMS) along with En. Mohd. Eunos Abdullah in 1927.
There are variations in the spelling of his name. He goes by many name spellings and short names:
Dr Samat
Dr Abdul Samat
Dr Abdul Samat bin Pagak
Dr Abdul Samat bin Daeng Pagak
Dr Abdul Samat bin Haji Pagak
Dr Abdul Samat bin Haji Pagak (1902-1952)
His father is Haji Pagak bin Daing Armi
This Daing name indicates a Bugis man
His father is mentioned in 2 newspaper articles:
- THE MALAY UNION. The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 1 February 1929, Page 13
- Untitled. The Straits Times, 1 February 1929, Page 11
Newspaper articles on Dr Abdul Samat:
The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942),
8 June 1928, Page 16
Dinner at Memorial Hall.
Honouring Dr. A. Samat.
(By Our Muslim Correspondent).
Under the auspices of the "Kesatuan Melayu" (Malay Union)
of Singapore, a dinner was given at the Victoria Memorial Hall
on Wednesday May 30th., in honour of Dr. Abdul Samat bin Haji Pagak,
who recently qualified as a Licentiate of Medicine and Surgery
of the local King Edward College of Medicine.
The total number of guests was about one hundred, among whom
were His Excellency the Governor and Lady Clifford and a large
number of Europeans including many members of the teaching staff
of the Medical College and their wives. After the King's Toast,
proposed by His Excellency, speeches in Malay were made by
His Excellency the Governor, Mr. R. J. Farrer, President of the
Municipality and Chairman of the Muhammedan Advisory Board,
and the Honourable Inche Mohamed Eunos bin Abdullah, the President
of the "Kesatuan Melayu". Dr Abdul Samat bin Haji Pagak
suitable replied. Dr Hamza bin Haji Taib of Muar, also a
graduate of the King Edward College of Medicine, made a speech
in English. Since the Medical College was established in Singapore,
many Malays have obtained their medical diplomas from it, but most
of them came from Johore and other native states.
Dr Abdul Samat, however, is the first local Malay to qualify
as a medico. Being a Malay, Dr Abdul Samat has the opportunity
to gain the confidence of the Malays with regard to western medicine and
western ways of treating sickness; and it is hoped that he will
avail himself of the opportunity to try to lower the infantile
death-rate among the Malays.
The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942),
1 February 1929, Page 13
The Straits Times, 1 February 1929, Page 11
At the annual general meeting of the Malay Union held at the
Kampong Glam Malay School at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday the following
Office-bearers were elected:
President. The Honorable Inche Mohamed Eunos bin Abdullah
Vice Presidents. Haji Ambok Sooloh bin Haji Omar, Inche Omar bin Haji Abdul Samat
Treasurer. Haji Ambok Sooloh bin Haji Omar
Auditor. Inche Abdul Mannan bin Mohamed Ali
Joint Secretaries. Inche T. P. Jumat and Inche Yahya A. Rahman
Inche Mohamed Noor bin Haji Abdul Mannan
Haji Abdul Aziz bin Haji Masood
Inche Abdullah bin Maidin
Inche Embi bin Abdullah
Dr. Abdul Samat bin Haji Pagak
Inches Muslim bin Melava, Abu Talib bin Hussain, Kassim bin Mohamed,
M. Hassan bin Awang, Omar bin Abubakar, Mohamed Hashim bin Yunos,
Inspector M. Sudin bin A. Rahman, Haji Pagak bin Daing Armi,
Haji Ismail bin Haji A. Rahman.
The Straits Times, 28 December 1933, Page 7
The following gentlemen have been elected officers of the young Muslim Physical and Literary Union for 1934: Patron: Tuan Haji Ambok Sooloh, J.P. President: Tuan Syed Hussain bin Ahmad Alkaff, Vice-Presidents: Dr. Abdul Samad, Mr. S.M. Albasree, Mr. Ismail bin Abdul Aziz, and Syed Hussain bin Ali Alsagoff.
Seconded To Sarawak
The Straits Times, 30 Septeber 1937, page 10
Dr. Abdul Samat bin H. Pagak, Assistant Medical Officer,
S.S. Medical Service, has been seconded for service under
the Government of Sarawak with claim to pension.
The Straits Times, 29 August 1946, Page 5
There will be no large scale Hari Raya Puasa celebrations
in Singapore today, although Dr. Abdul Samat, a local Malay
leader, says that Muslims "will try to froget the recent rice
cut and transport difficulties for the day."
A message by the Sultan of Selangor to Malayan Muslims urges them
to exercise restraint in celebrating Hari Raya Puasa.
Advising them against buying things at exorbitant prices, the
Sultan says: "If God permits, we will be able to have the grandest
celebration ever during Hari Raya next year, when our country has recovered
from the after-effects of war."
Muslims from all parts of Singapore will gather at the Sultan Mosque
in Arab Street and offer prayers throughout the day.
The Chief Kathi, Singapore, states that for the benefit of
Muslim servicemen in Singapore, Hari Raya Puasa prayers will be said
today at 8.35 a.m. at Sultan Mosque.
Inspector Acquitted: New Charge
The Straits Times, 25 October 1946, Page 3
Dr. Abdul Samat, in evidence, stated that he remembered
being called to the police station at the request of
Inche Mahmood bin Abdul Wahab, then Chief Inspector,
to attend to a case there.
He said he found a Chinese lying on the floor of the
Commercial Crimes office in an unconscious condition.
He sent the man to hospital. He stated that Cheah was
present at the office.
Income Tax
The Singapore Free Press, 5 September 1947, page 5
Dr. Abdul Samat, Mr. C. C. Tan. Mr. R. Jumabhoy and
Mr. P. F. de Souza have been chosen to serve on
the joint Singapore-Malayan Union committee to consider
and report on the recommendations of the Heasman report on
income tax.
The Straits Times, 4 October 1947, Page 7
From Our Staff Correspondent
The Malayan Union and Singapore Joint Committee on Income Tax,
which held its first meeting today will continue again tomorrow
The Singapore delegation present at the meeting consisted of
Mr. J. D. M. Smith, Mr. A. Heywood Waddington, Mr. E. A. Tudor,
Mr. P. F. de Souza, Mr. C. C. Tan, Mr. R. Jumabhoy and
Dr. Abdul Samat.
The Malayan Union representatives were Mr. W. D. Godsall,
Mr. F. S. Macfadzean, Dr. Tan Cheng Leng, Mr. V. M. N. Menon,
Mr. A. W. Wallich and Mr. M. P. Rajagopal.
Mr. R. B. Heasman was in attendance.
The Straits Times, 7 April 1949, Page 1
Singapore's newly-constituted Municipal Commission with
18 directly elected members and
nine members nominated by the Governor,
began and ended a lively inaugural meeting yesterday
with a unanimous note - "to work together for the good of Singapore and its people."
The President, Mr. W. L. Blythe, in his welcome address,
told the new Commissioners: "The task lies all around you,
the instrument is to hand, the goal is enshrined in the motto of this city
- Let Singapore Prosper: Majulah Singapura."
Dr. Abdul Samat (South ward - Progressive) was the only Commissioner
absent as he was not in Singapore.
The Singapore Free Press, 28 May 1949, Page 6
How They Voted.
The Straits Times, 28 May 1949, Page 1
The voting at the end of the debate on birth control resulted
as follows:
Dr. S. H. Al-Junied, Dr. Abdul Samat and Mr. S. A. Mohd. Ali.
The Singapore Free Press, 6 July 1950, Page 6
(Continued from Page Five)
In his reply to Mr. Ching, Mr. C. C. Tan says that "the member
was not chosen because of his association with S.C.R.C. or any
other club but because of his associations with the people in
the West Ward."
All six Municipal Commissioners due to retire at the end of this
year are Progressives.
They are Mr. V. Pakirisamy (North Ward),
Dr. Abdul Samat (South Ward),
Mr Frank James (East Ward),
Mr S. K. Gaw (West Ward)
Mr Sandy Pillay (City Ward) and
Mr. S. A. Mohamed Ali (Rochore Ward).
Samat Resigns
The Straits Times, 1 September 1950, page 7
The resignation of Dr. Abdul Samat (Prog. South Ward)
from the Singapore Municipal Commission was announced
yesterday by the acting President, Mr. T. P. F. McNeice,
who added that the resignation would not necessitate
a by-election.
S'pore doctor dies in Java
The Straits Times 25 July 1952 Page 7
Dr. Abdul Samat, 50, a former Singapore Municipal Commissioner,
died at Jakarta on Wednesday. A prominent Malay community leader
in the Colony, he resigned from the Municipal Commission in
September 1950 and left for Jakarta. He was also a member of
the former Advisory Council. Born in Malaya in 1902, Dr. Samat
was educated at Raffles Institution. He graduated from the
King Edward VII College of Medicine and was in Government service
before going into private practice after the liberation.
Dua doktor Melayu-Islam yang awal di Singapura
Berita Harian, 23 March 1982, Page 5
- a short biography of Dr Abdul Samat bin Pagak
- a short biography of Dr H. S. Moonshi (+ pic)
Dua tokoh Melayu yang harus dikenang [Articles + Illustrations]
Berita Harian 13 November 1993 Page 7
Dua tokoh Melayu yang harus dikenang abadikan perjuangan
Mohd Eunos, Dr Samat dalam filem 'ULASAN SIRI TV PELOPOR'
Oleh A RAMAN DAUD. Banyak kisah pejuang Melayu yang memberikan
sumbangan kepada watan Singapura harus dirakam dengan prihatin
lagi bijak. Usaha ini diharap memberanikan SBC untuk meneroka terus. ....