Professor Dr Khalijah bt Mohd Salleh (1947-2011) Physicist, UKM Bangi |
Name: Professor Dr Khalijah bt Mohd Salleh
Date of birth: 1 February 1947
Date of demise: Saturday, 17 September 2011
News source of her demise: Berita Harian, 27 October 2011
Last known work address
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi
Phone Number 03 8921 5881
Fax Number 03 8921 3777
Email khalij01@pkrisc.cc.ukm.my
U of California Davis, USA PhD (Physics) 1979
U of Kent at Canterbury, England MSc (Physics) 1972
U of Malaya BSc (Hons) 1970
U of Malaya BSc (Gen) 1969
Convent Bukit Nanas 1964-1965 Higher School Certificate 1965
Kolej Tunku Kurshiah 1962-1963 Malaysian Cert. of Exam 1963
Senior Cambridge Certif. 1963
Malay Girls College 1959-1961 Lower Cert. of Examination 1961
Specialisation: Physics Education, Science, society and culture
Areas of Research: Physics Education, Science and Society
Please read her publication on Tauhidic Science Education for Malaysia:
イスラーム世界研究 第4 巻1–2 号(2011 年3 月)124–155 頁
Kyoto Bulletin of Islamic Area Studies, 4-1&2 (March 2011), pp. 124–155
Teachers’ Concerns, Perception and Acceptance toward Tauhidic Science Education
Khalijah Mohd Salleh*, Mohd Yusof Hj Othman*, Shadidan Radiman*,
Jawiah Dakir*, Abdul Halim Tamuri*, Nor Hayati Alwi**,
Muhammad Hafizuddin Jumali*, Lilia Halim1, & Mastura Badzis***
I met Khalijah when I was a first-year student overseas, during Hari Raya 1976. She was the only female with tudung and she was the tallest. She was married and had two little kids at the time. I had kuih Raya at her house in Davis, maybe another year. Her husband Dr Nik Abdul Aziz bin Nik Sulaiman was with her at UC Davis.
Hari Raya at University of California, Davis campus (UC Davis), California. 25 September 1976. (Prof Dr) Khalijah is 3rd from left in pink (she was 29). I am 3rd from right in blue and with red slippers (I was 17). (Prof Dr) Zairi Jaal (Negeri Sembilan) is 2nd from left. Becek bt Hj Bilot (Johor) is at far right. |
Institut Islam Hadhari, UKM organised a
Majlis Jasa Mu Dikenang in her honour on 22 July 2010 (2011?)
From UKM's history and its 8 pioneers:
From Presiden ABIM:
The following family information was retrieved from her account in
Her parents are Mohd Salleh bin Hj Abdul Majid and Rahmah bt Hj Zainal Abidin. She is the sister of Kalsom, Zaidah, Mohd Sofian, Ahmad Ridzuan and Jamiah.
Her children are:
- Nik Hanif Muzammil
- Nik Lailatul Nur
- Nik Ahmad Farouqi
- Dr Nik Ainul Baqiah m. Dr Rasem Husani
- Nik Khairul Izzat
Details of her children could not be obtained as the accounts are kept private.
Dr Nik Abdul Aziz's parents are Dato Nik Sulaiman bin Nik Daud and Nik Zainab bin Nik Hassan. His siblings are Nik Ahmad Ariff, Dr Nik Meriam, Nik Hassan and Nik Mustapha.
Tracing Dato Nik Sulaiman's ancestors leads to Daeng Andak Al Habrah and also Datuk Kamal Hussain, and to the Pattani and Pahang royal households.
Daeng Andak Al Habrah is in Facebook.
Datuk Kamal Hussain lives in PJ, and is related to Dr Che Lah bin Mohd Joonos, my mother and me.