Lipatan Sejarah, Hospital Besar Melaka
Malaya Tribune, 14 February 1934, Page 12
Malacca hospitals existed at 3 locations since 1511.
Alphonso Albuquerque established the first hospitals in Malacca soon after the capture of Banda Hilir town (city centre) from the Malays in 1511. These early hospitals were built inside the walls of the fortress, close to the gate of Santiago.
There were 2 hospitals within the walls of fortaleza or A'Famosa (Kota Melaka) during the Portuguese era (1511-1641). They were the Royal Hospital or King's Hospital (Hospital Del Rey) (Hospital Diraja) and the Pauper Hospital (Hospital De Porres) (Hospital Orang Miskin). The pauper hospital was later moved to the opposite side of the fortress, near the (British) Post Office. Both hospitals were under the Jesuits. There was one more hospital, but I'm uncertain of its name and function. In 1552, there was an outbreak of cholera in Malacca, and residences became temporary hospital. St Francis Xavier used the hulk of some dismantled ships for hospital. Portuguese leaders and the Governor formed a Society of Mercy for visiting the sick in hospital.
The Dutch captured Malacca from the Portuguese in 1641 and took control of the Portuguese fort and hospitals. It continued to provide medical facilities for patients. It also introduced Western medicine into Japan. When Balthazar Bort was the Dutch Governor in Malacca, a surgeon's shop existed in the Fort, and was served by the Chief Master Surgeon Willenn Cornelitz van Alsmeer. There was a hospital for the Dutch, staffed by a Senior Surgeon and 4 Junior Surgeons at Banda Kaba.
The hospital at Durian Daun was known as the Pauper Hospital in 1894.
MALACCA.A Chinese opium addict patient had attempted to commit suicide by jumping into the well in 1898.
The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 28 April 1894, Page 11The storeroom of the Pauper Hospital at Durian Daun was broken open, and a quantity of pure iodoform and opium, in value about $150, and some money from a chest, about $25, were taken. The chest was found broken open in the padi field near the hospital. The night watchmen, when questioned, professed to know nothing about the affair; but as traces of the iodoform were found on two of them their tale is hardly credible; and four of the watchmen have been detained.
The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 16 August 1898, Page 3 On the 5th instant, at about 9 p.m., an employee at the Hospital at Durian Daun went to bathe at the well, when he found a man at the bottom. He called two other men, and by the aid of ropes the man was pulled out. There was about 10 ft. of water in the well, the surface of the water being 5 ft. from the ground level. Ngo A Chin, the man who was in the well, told a friend that the doctor had taken away his opium and he did not want to live any longer. At the Police Court on Thursday he was committed to take his trial on a charge of attempting to commit suicide.
PRESENTATION AT MALACCA.Forthcoming Departure of Dr A. H. Keun.There was a pleasant function at Durian Daun hospital, Malacca, on the 18th inst., when the staff of the medical and veterinary departments assembled to bid farewell to Dr. A. H. Keun, medical officer, on his approaching departure to England. A group photograph was taken.
Dr Alfred Havelock Keun, JP (Dr A. H. Keun, b.1874-d.13 December 1949) was born in Singapore in 1874. He had 5 other siblings. His father Alfred Ferdinand Keun (A. F. Keun), mother, and grandfather Philip Jacobus Keun (P. J. Keun) were from Malacca. A. F. Keun was an auctioneer. The young A. H. Keun grew up in Singapore and was educated at Raffles Institution. He won a Queen's scholarship in 1892/1894 and went to Edinburgh to study medicine. He obtained his medical degree from Edinburgh University [this is written as MBCM (Edinburgh)]. After graduation, he worked as a private practitioner in England till 1900. He then returned to Malaya and joined the Govt Medical Service of the Straits Settlements in Singapore. In 1900, he was House Surgeon at the Singapore General Hospital (SGH). He was then a Colonial Surgeon at Province Wellesley and Penang in 1904, and served as CMO Penang (undated). Dr E. G. Weir had resigned in Malacca and Dr A. H. Keun replaced him in Malacca in 1908/1910 as CMO Malacca (Chief Medical Office in Malacca). Dr A. H. Keun had visited Malacca in 1900 and 1902 prior to his appointment in 1908/1910. His 1910 CMO medical report for Malacca was published in the Straits Settlements Medical Report for 1910 (SSMR 1910). Dr A. H. Keun resigned from Government service in 1918 (aged 44 years) and travelled to England. Upon returning, he set up private practice in Malacca (undated). Apart from his medical services, he was actively involved with his community in Malacca. He was a member of the Malacca Rotary Club. He was honoured as a Justice of the Peace (JP) by 1936. Dr A. H. Keun, JP, was President of the Malacca Eurasian Association in 1936 after Mr F. A. de Witt died. Dr A. H. Keun , JP was nominated to represent the Eurasians on the Municipal Commission in 1936. A dedicated doctor and private practitioner, he worked for almost 20 years (post-retirement) in Malacca before he passed away. The Straits Times, 14 December 1949, p.4, reported the demise of Dr A. H. Keun at the Malacca General Hospital at Bukit Palah; he died the day before. He was 75 years old.
The death of Mr. Erskine, the P.W.D. overseer in charge of Merlimau, occurred at the Durian Daun Hospital early last Friday rather suddenly, says our Malacca correspondent. It was only the previous day that Mr. Erskine was taken into hospital. The funeral took place on Friday evening. Much sympathy is felt for the family he has left behind.
Dr W. M. Chambers was entertained to a farewell function at Durian Daun Hospital in 1925.
The Straits Times, 16 March 1925, p.8. Untitled.On Monday last the members of the Medical and Health Departments, Malacca, entertained Dr W. M. Chambers to a farewell function at the Durian Daun Hospital. An address was read by Mr V. E. Dias, the chief clerk of the Medical Department, Dr Chambers suitably responded.
In 1926, Mr Tan Cheng Lock of the Legislative Council had asked if the Medical Department in Malacca was understaffed.MALACCA MEDICAL BOARD.Growing Confidence of Estate Population.In the report of the Malacca Agricultural Medical Board for 1924, the administrator, the Hon. Mr. J. W. Campbell, says:-"Taking the returns sent in, the average estate population represented is 18,634, amongst which there were 371 deaths, giving a death rate of 19.9 per mile. The figures last year were 18,730 and 359 respectively, giving a death rate of 19.1 per mile.""Infantile mortality still continues high, but it is hoped that the proposed training scheme for line ayahs will provide a supply of suitable women for infant welfare work on estates, and thus effect an improvement in this particular branch of health work."The close co-operation between the Government Medical Department and the officers of the Board ... has been fully maintained, to the mutual benefit of both. I would here like to record the aprreciation of the Board, its medical officers, and of myself as administrator, of the deep interest taken in estate health matters, and the active co-operation in working details taken by the Acting Chief Medical Officer, Malacca, (Dr. Chambers), to whose interest and energy, we owe the recent course of training and the examination for dressers, and also the working out of the scheme for the training of line ayahs."A monthly meeting of doctors is held at Durian Daun hospital by kind courtesy of the Chief Medical Officer, when views are exchanged on items of interest in their own work and on any interesting cases in hospital. These meetings are useful in many ways, and react to the benefit both of the doctors themselves and those under their care. A feature of interest in the year's working is the growing confidence between the doctors and the Chinese estate population. Orders are now more readily carried out, advice is more frequently sought, and special calls are now being received from Chinese Estates, a feature which, in previous years, was more conspicuous by its absence than otherwise."Estate sanitation and general preventive work still remains the main concern of the Board's doctors, and no efforts are being spared by them to improve helath, and health conditions, in the areas under their charge.
LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.Malacca Medical Staff.The staff at the Durian Daun Hospital, Malacca, consists of-One Chief Medical Officer; Two Deputy Medical Officers; One Assistant Surgeon; Fifteen dressers; One Sister; Four nurses.
Mr J. H. Owen, harbour master and city coroner, was hospitalised at the Durian Daun Hospital in 1928.LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL.Malacca Medical MattersMonday, March 29th, 1926Governor's Rolls Royce $16,500 for a 20 h.p.Vauxhall 1929 condemned as unserviceable----Malacca Medical MattersMr Tan Cheng Lock asked re staffing of the Durian Daun Hospital at Malacca. According to him, there were only 3 officers as compared with 4 stated by the P.C.M.O. to be employed there. He said, the Chief Medical Officer confined himself to administrative duties and did not do any real hospital work. The Malacca Medical Department establishment should consist of 6 medical officers, whereas there were actually only 4. According to the Estimates there should be 28 dressers, and according to the reply of the P.C.M.O. there were only 15.
SOCIAL AND PERSONAL.This is a short article that mentioned Durian Daun Hospital in September 1931.
The Straits Times, 7 August 1928, Page 8 Mr. J. H. Owen, Harbour Master and City Coroner, Malacca, is an inmate at the Durian Daun Hospital.
Mr. J.P.H. Beck of the Tranquerah English School, Malacca, met with a nasty accident while taking part in the Officials' race in the Banda Hilir English School Sports on the Saturday before last. He was an inmate of the Durian Daun Hospital for about a week, but he is now better.-M.M. Taken from The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 25 September 1931, Page 18
On Friday night, a well-known sportsman and teacher, Mr. Benjamin Gomes, of the Banda Hilir English School, Malacca, was the victim of an attack by some unknown person who hit him with a small hatchet at 11 p.m. near the Malay Mosque at Banda Hilir. Mr Gomes is now lying in the Durian Daun Hospital in a critical condition with three serious skull wounds.-M.M. Taken from The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 15 October 1931, Page 8
European Shoots Himself.Malacca, Tuesday,A verdict of suicide was returned by Mr W. G. Reeves at the inquiry in to the death of a European named T. B. Orchard who shot himself on Oct. 31 at the Resthouse.The first witness called was Dr F. X. Oliveiro, Durian Daun Hospital, Malacca, who examined the body on Nov. 1 at 2.15 a.m.The cause of death was shock and haemorrhage from a bullet wound in the chest. The shot had been fired from close range and might have been from an automatic revolver.A watchman in the Resthouse, at which Orchard had stayed, said he was on rounds about 11 p.m. on Oct. 31. when he heard someone falling and on going to the room from which he had heard the noise, he found a European lying on the floor, and he was saying something witness could not understand.He went downstairs and called the boy who telephoned for a doctor. Orchard was still alive and talking loudly when witness saw him, and a revolver was discovered when the body was turned over.Doctor's First Impression.Dr A. H. Keun, whom the boy had telephoned for, gave evidence to the effect that at first he was under the impression that the man had had a heart attack.He went out and met another European who told him that he had heard groaning coming from the room and a voice calling out, "My God, my God."A letter written by Orchard marked "To whom it may concern ..."
In 1932, the Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board discussed to temporarily house the Malayan opium-smoking lepers at the Circular Road camp with high security wires, and later move them to the old Durian Daun Hospital when the new Malacca Hospital was ready.
The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 6 August 1932, Page 18The Kuala Lumpur Sanitary Board discussed the old leper asylum at Circular Road in Kuala Lumpur was to be used as a temporary settlement for all opium-smoking lepers in Malaya.There were 275 lepers in this settlement, of whom 230 came from Pulau Jerejak and elsewhere in the Colony and 30 from Johore.The old Durian Daun Hospital was to be used for these opium-smoking lepers, but the locals had petitioned as they did not want a leper settlement at their doorsteps.
The Straits Times, 21 December 1932, Page 12
Malayan Doctors Meet in Malacca.
Malacca, Dec. 19.
Dr. A. L. Hoops C.B.E.
Dr. E. V. Lupprian
Dr. P. Pinson
Office of the P.C.M.O. at Durian Daun Hospital
Dr. M. Y. Lum
Dr. W. J. Vickers
(Miss) E. C. Davies
A. N. Kingsbury
W. H. Hart
W. J. Duncan
O. F. Conoley
T. S. Macaulay
A. F. Mackay
T. Wilson
E. Egan
A. G. Badenoch
B. Barrowman
C. J. Boyd
A. L. Hoops
I. Stubbs
W. A. Nicholas
A. K. Lung
D. C. Richards
Tan Seng Tee
B. H. Ong
P. Pinson
K. C. Kwong
E. V. Lupprian.
Dr. D. C. Macaskill
O. J. Conoley
M. Y. Lum
W. J. Vickers
R. N. L. Symes
A. E. Duraisamy
W. H. Hart
W. J. Dixon
G. E. Beggs
A. N. Kingsbury
W. J. Duncan
Durian Daun Hospital closed in 1934 when the new hospital at Bukit Pala was opened on 12 February 1934. Equipment were transferred from the old Durian Daun Hospital to the new Malacca General Hospital.
Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Perempuan Melayu Melaka
There was however earlier attempt to convert the unused Durian Daun Hospital into a leper asylum, but this proposal was met with a lot of objection and was disfavoured. LEPROSY CAMP IN SUBURBS. The Straits Times, 4 August 1932, Page 5
The Straits Times, 10 November 1935, Page 5New Use For Malacca's Old General Hospital
PROGRESS OF MALAYA'S ONLY GIRLS' COLLEGEMalacca, Nov. 9.The old vacant Durian Daun Hospital became a teachers training centre for Malay girls.The first class ward and added spaces and alterations have become the training college for Malay girls from the Straits Settlements, the Federated Malay States, and the Unfederated States.Miss N. Purdom is the principal of the College. She was retired and recalled to work. She is assisted by Miss M. Lomas and Che Fatimah. There was provision for 24 girls in the new college which wad opened in the early part of 1935. However, there were 150 applications, not only from the S.S., the F.M.S., but as far afield as Labuan and Kelantan.The curriculum is a 2 years course and includes all subject taught in Malay schools. Emphasis is on domestic subjects and industrial occupations. The gilrs have to prepare their own food, clean and wash their own rooms. The day's work begins at 7 a.m. From 7 a.m. to 8 a.m. domestic work is taught. 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. is spent in teaching academic subjects. The afternoon, 4 p.m. to 6.30 p.m., is devoted to recreation. The girls are also taught singing, music and dramatic work. Gardening and the rearing of poultry are also encouraged.The apartments and rooms of the college are arranged so as to give a Malay woman some idea of artistic and practical order of life at home. The colour scheme is most attractive to Malay women and although expensive to the eye the total cost is within the limit of a Malay woman's salary. The college buildings consist of four dormintories, one craftroom, one library, two lecture rooms, one sick room, a private mosque, a kitchen and a laundry. There are four badminton courts and a netball ground. The Principal's house is on the grounds of the college itself.On educating these girls great care is being taken by the principal to make the evolution gradual to avoid any jarring effects. The principal is also striving to bring these generally shy girls to meet girls of other races who form the cosmopolitan population of Malaya.
Our family, Puan Shahnaz's family and Puan Hendon's family (her name? married to a Mr McCloud, a whiteman) lived at the single-storey bungalows.The Malay Women's Teachers Training College at Durian Daun then became the Japanese army camp during the Japanese Occupation in Malacca (1942-1945). The Japanese officers occupied the 3 college lecturers' double-storey bungalows at the edge of the field. There were also a few single-storey bungalows beyond the long wooden hospital ward buildings.
'Lilin penerang perjalanan'Hajah Rogayah Muhammad (49) was born in Singapore in 1938. She received teacher training at Maktab Perguruan Melayu Perempuan Durian Daun Melaka (1955-7). She taught at Sekolah Melayu Perempuan Scotts Road in 1958, and later at Geylang Craft Centre (1961), Sekolah Menengah Perempuan Cedar (1963), and Sekolah Menengah Perempuan Raffles (1974-87). She taught for 29 years and retired in May 1987. Her husband has also retired. Their children are Dr Norhayati (28) of Hospital Daerah Muar, and Norazman (27) who is undergoing pharmacy training in Australia.
(b) Malacca Trade School, Durian Daun 1935-ceased before 1970
The Malay Girls' Teachers' Training College occupied the First Class Ward of the old Durian Daun Hospital. The rest of the old hospital buildings were converted into Malacca Trade School.
MALACCA TRADE SCHOOLS FIRST ANNIVERSARYIncrease In Number Of StudentsTailoring And Shoemaking To Be AddedMalaccaFebruary 6 this year saw the first anniversary of the Malacca Trade School. The school began with an enrolment of ten and Mr B. V. Richards, of the High School staff, became headmaster. Mr Hewitt was his assistant carpentry instructor. There were 23 students in the carpentry class. Tailoring is being added this year and other trades (possibly shoemaking as the first) will be added as the demand arises.
(ii) Bukit Palah Hospital, opened on 12 February 1934/
Malacca General Hospital 1934-present
The British built another hospital at Bukit Palah/Bukit Pala (a Chinese had suggested to build the hospital at Ujong Pasir, between the Prison and the beach). The idea of a new hospital for Malacca was suggested by Dr. A. L. Hoops C.B.E. in 1921. Sir Hugh Clifford intervened in 1927 and the hospital was ready in 1934. The cause of the delay was lack of available funds. One hospital block was also removed from the original plan and that helped to reduce its cost.
The hospital is known by many names: Malacca Hospital at Bukit Pala/Palah, Malacca General Hospital, Rumah Sakit Umum Melaka, and Hospital Besar Melaka. The hospital has many blocks and they are named A, B, C, D, and a Pharmacy.
The Straits Times, 13 February 1934, Page 12
GOVERNOR OPENS NEW HOSPITAL The Singapore Free Press and Mercantile Advertiser (1884-1942), 13 February 1934, Page 2 Notable Addition To Malacca Public Institutions (From Our Own Correspondent) Malacca, Feb. 12. In fine weather, a monster crowd assembled on Bukit Pala to witness the opening ceremony of the new hospital. Boy Scouts lined the road leading to the main block and Sir Cecil Clementi arrived a little after 5 p.m. A guard of honour from the M.V.C. and a band were present. His Excellency and party then entered the hall of "A" Block accompanied by His Excellency the G.O.C., Major-General Lewin, and together with Mr. A. Caldecott, Colonial Secretary, occupied seats on the platform with Dr. Fitzgerald, Director of Medical and Health Services, Mr. G. Sturrock, Director of Public Works, and Mr. G. C. Millington, Resident Councillor, Malacca. Mr. Sturrock in his speech said that the new Hospital originated on the suggestion of Dr. Hoops in 1921, but the matter had to be temporarily shelved on the grounds of expense. Sir Hugh Clifford, after his inspection in 1927, suggested the demolition of Durian Daun Hospital and its replacement by permanent buildings on an up-to-date scheme to cost $1,280,000 in all. Mr. Tan Cheng Lock and Mr. H. E. Nixon, both Malacca members of Council, at the Legislative Council Meeting held in August, 1928, raised the question on the new Hospital site and suggested Ujong Pasir as a suitable location, however, an investigation of the site led to its abandonment in favour of Bukit Pala, and work began in October, 1930 at an estimated cost of nearly $2,430,000 but later on, one block of the proposed structure was abandoned, this reduced the cost by $400,000. TRIBUTE TO DONOR Reference was made to the parts played by Mr. F. Dorrington Ward, Government Architect, Dr. Hoops, and Mr. Cuthbertson, Superintending Architect, for the successful completion of the splendid building. Dr. Fitzgerald next spoke, outlining the progress of hospitals in Malacca from the days of Alfonso Albuquerque to the present one and tribute was paid to Mr. Chee Swee Cheng, the donor of the most up-to-date Victor X-Rays installation that exists today in Malacca. Dr. Fitzgerald said he hoped the people of Malacca, especially Malays, would make use of the hospital. Sir Cecil Clementi in declaring the building open, congratulated the Medical and Public Works Departments on the successful completion of the new hospital. H.E. ADDRESS His Excellency said: I have, on several occasions, seen these buildings while under construction, and I am glad to be here today to witness their completion. They are entirely worthy of Malacca; and a great credit to the Medical and the Public Works Departments. I hope that in them cure and comfort will be found by the sick and suffering of this Settlement for many years to come. I am also glad to know that the hospital buildings which are now to be vacated at Durian Daun will be used as a training school for female Malay teachers. Such an institution has long been needed in this peninsula, and I am much pleased that it is to be provided at Malacca. I wish both new institutions every success. In the new hospital it is intended to commemorate some of those who have been especially concerned in its construction. Ward "A" will be named "Hoops Ward" because Dr. Hoops was chiefly responsible for the initiation of the scheme for building a new hospital at Malacca. Ward "B" will be named "Dorrington Ward"- the pun is purely fortuitous - after the Government Architect, who has had most to do with the design and with the suprintendence of the construction of the new buildings. Ward "C" and "D" will be named "Nixon Ward" and "Tan Cheng Lock Ward" respectively, because both these unofficial members of Legislative Council have taken a very helpful interest in the new hospital. It is great pleasure to me that the services rendered to Malacca by these four gentlemen should be permanently commemorated in this manner. I now declare these hospital buildings to be open. The decision was announced to utilize the buildings of the old Durian Daun Hospital as a school for training female Malay teachers, the first of its kind in Malaya. The Governor and party of guests next inspected the various sections of the new hospital. The building presented a striking spectacle when flood-lighted from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Malaya Tribune, 14 February 1934, Page 12
The British took over from Dutch and built a military hospital near the Malacca Club, and a Civil Hospital on the PWD and Survey Office site at Banda Kaba. It had 3 wards in the upper storey of the building. In 1882, this hospital was moved to Banda Hilir, which was formerly occupied by the Military for the same purpose. In 1883, Durian Daun Hospital was built and it was occupied in 1884. It had 2 wards initially, one ward for European patients and Government servants, and another ward for members of the Police Force. It was later enlarged to accommodate 400 patients. It existed for 50 years and was replaced by the New Hospital.
The New Hospital (1934-present) had several blocks. Block A housed 1st and 2nd class wards. Block B, C, and D housed 3rd class wards. The Administration Block contains the administrative offices, special departments, operation theatres (OTs), dispensaries and clinical laboratories. The special buildings housed the Maternity Wards, Pathological and Bacteriological laboratories. The Radiological Department housed an up-to-date Victor X-Ray installation. It was donated by Mr Chee Swee Cheng, who also donated the same x-ray equipment to Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) in Singapore.
The David's Mission Hospital for Women and Children closed down, and its activities were moved to the Maternity Block at the New Hospital.
In 1928, Mr Tooh Tiang Chye presented the Quarantine Hospital to the Government.
There are special departments for opthalmology, ear, nose and throat (ENT) and dentistry. They were to be equipped later on. They were presently fitted for routine work.
There was no dental officer for the current year (1934). It was to provide dental services for the poor and schools.
This block has 3 OTs - two for general surgery and one for opthalmic surgery.
The rest are labs, dispensaries and staff offices.
Maternity Block is behind the main building.
The Kitchen Block is in the centre of the hospital.
Government architects of the New Hospitals were Mr D Ward and Mr Cutbertson.
Dr E. V. Lupprian was CMO.
His Excellency Sir Cecil Clementi declared the New Hospital at Bukit Pala/Palah open on 12 February 1934.
The Straits Times, 22 October 1935, Page 17 Dr E. V. Lupprian on The Malacca Hospital.
(From Our Own Correspondent.)
Malacca, Oct. 20.
A large crowd of staff of the Malacca Medical Department attended the farewell function of Dr E. V. Lupprian, Chief Medical Officer of Malacca, held at Bukit Pala. Dr Lupprian replied: My first experience of hospital accommodation in Malacca was at the old Durian Daun Hospital. ... I experienced on my first view of this present General Hospital... several of us here-both of the general public and the Medical Staff-possessed a great affection for the old hospital, as it was a very homely type of cottage hospital in which we achieved great success in the alleviation of pain and cure of disease.
The Straits Times, 1 July 1936, Page 16
Captain Tan Seng Tee was born in Malacca in 1889, the 5th son of Mr Tan Hoon Hin.
He was educated first at the High School, Malacca, where he was awarded the Diamond Jubilee Scholarship in 1906 and 1907 and Tan Teck Guan Scholarship in 1907, and later at the Straits Settlements Medical College, Singapore (now the King Edward VII Medical College), where he won the Tan Wee Bin Scholarship, and obtained the diploma of L.M.S. in 1913.
He served in the Durian Daun Government Hospital in 1914, after which he went into private practice. He has been Visiting Medical Officer to the Malacca Agriculture Medical Board since 1922, was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1922, and was a Municipal Commissioner from 1922 to 1929.
The old Durian Daun Hospital and the new Malacca Hospital at Bukit Pala/Bukit Palah were used by the Japanese Army during the Japanese occupation in Malacca in 1942-45.
** Note: The King Edward VII Medical College in Singapore had closed down during the war. The Japanese took over the medical school and opened a Japanese medical college at Hospital Bukit Palah/Hospital Besar Melaka. That closed down at the end of the war, and the Singapore medical school reopened after the war. Among the early Malay doctors who attended the KE VII Medical College in Melaka included Tan Sri Dr Raja Ahmad Noordin.
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Picture postcard of Hospital Besar Melaka |
Address 1:
Hospital Besar Melaka
Jalan Mufti Haji Khalil
75400 Melaka
Tel: 06-282 2344 / 06-281 9000
Fax: 06-284 1590
Superpages: Hospital Besar Melaka
Facebook: Hospital Besar Melaka
Wikipedia: Malacca General Hospital
Address 2:
Che Sukri bin Che Mat
Timbalan Pengarah (Pengurusan)
Bahagian Pengurusan
Hospital Melaka
Jalan Mufti Haji Khalil
75400 Melaka.
Tel: 06-289-2002
Fax: 06-281-3240
Prison and District Hospitals
Beside the main Durian Daun Hospital, there were other hospitals in Malacca - Prison Hospital in Ujong Pasir/Banda Hilir, Jasin Hospital in Jasin District and Alor Gajah Hospital in Alor Gajah District.
Page 7 Advertisements Column 3There were hospitals at Malacca, Jasin and Alor Gajah.Planks for coffins, Durian Daun Hospital.Cartage for the removal of dead bodies from Durian Daun and Prison Hospitals.
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