
Thursday 26 March 2015

Planned Book Revision

My book: Biography of the Early Malay Doctors 1900-1957 Malaya and Singapore.

I plan to write and publish a revised edition, with a few more addition of biographies not included before.

I will need to obtain correct facts and stories from the doctors' families and from anyone who is willing to help me.

I will also need updates, better photos, anything new, corrections etc from all the families concerned.

You can send me your reviews and I will try to accommodate them in my book.

You can send me quotations (famous sayings, proverbs, etc) and I will try and include them too.

I have contacted my publisher (Xlibris) today for a revised quote for re-publishing. It is costlier to revise than to print a new book.

I will also need help with promoting my books.

Those of you who got free copies can also help me by telling your friends about my books.

If you helped me with any of my books, but did not receive a copy, please remind me or let me know.

If you are related to any of The Early Malay Doctors, please let me know.

Anyone who wants to help me can email, pm me in Facebook, or WhatsApp me.

I need people to help me sell all my books which I still have in stock (about 140 copies left). You can sell them from car boot sale, at book fairs, KONVO, bookshops, etc.

I will need people to help me print banners, buntings, posters and flyers, once I get images from my publisher.

I want to thank everyone who has helped me this far. TQVM. Really appreciate it.

012 963 2218

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