
Friday 2 May 2014

Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang (PEMENANG) 1927-present

The Penang Malay Association (PMA)
Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang (PEMENANG)
60, Jalan Pemenang
Pulau Pinang
Established: Sunday, 27 March 1927 in Georgetown, Penang

In 1911, the Young Muslim Union (YMU) was established in Penang. It catered for Muslims who had British educational background. These Muslims would then serve as lower officers in the British administration. There was another group who were the elite few. The two groups were combined to form the Penang Malay Association (PMA).

The first president of PMA was Dr Ali bin Othman Merican (Dr AO Merican), who was Penang's first Muslim and Malay doctor, who later moved to Kota Bharu, Kelantan in 1927. The deputy presidents were Tuan Mohamad Rauf bin Chik, Tuan MZ Merican, and Tuan Mohamad Jashim b Iskandar. The secretary was Dr Kamil Mohamed Ariff b Kader Mastan. The treasurer was Tuan MN Merican. The committee members were: Tuan A Abdullah, Tuan MS Ariffin, Tuan UM Bakar, Tuan CM Che Din @ Che Din Allen Dennys (CM Hashim), Tuan Hj Murshid, Tuan Mohamad Hussain, Tuan T Nyak Puteh, and Tuan S Mohamad Thambi. The accountants were Tuan C Mohamad Ismail and Tuan Kapten Baba Ahmad (this person is not Badariah's father).

The Penang Malay Association (Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang, PEMENANG) was established on Sunday, March 1927. A group photograph was taken and the first GM was held on 9 May 1927.

The previous PEMENANG premise was built on a piece of land obtained from Dr Lim Chong Eu, then Penang Chief Minister in the 1970s. The PEMENANG was housed in a brick building at 117, Macalister Road.

The PEMENANG now occupies the Bangunan Persatuan Melayu Pulau Pinang, a 2-storey building at 60 Jalan Pemenang.

External links:
Lawatan TYT Yang Di-Pertua Pulau Pinang ke Rumah Teh Bunga (12 Mac 2010)
Pengkisahan Sejarah PEMENANG (2007)


  1. May I bring to your attention the fact that Mahomed Ariff Tajoodin died in 1912, aged about 80? Among older Penangites (many are dead who remember him, but you can try your luck), he was known as Tok Arih or Mat Arih (corrupted pronunciation of 'Ariff').

    Nobody remembers the man now except for his descendants and he has not gone down in history except for the reputation of being a very rich man.

    Some say the house in Hutton Lane belonged to him, some say to his son Wanchik Ariffin.

    He was hardly Dr Kamil Ariff's (born 1893) contemporary as he flourished in probably the latter part of the 19th century. So the person in the photograph you alluded to cannot possibly have been him. It may be his son or someone else related to him but certainly not Tok/Mat Arih.

    Please refer to this newspaper item:

  2. Please refrain from perpetuating falsehoods in your blog. I expected an academic to be more honest, especially a God-fearing one such as yourself.

    The yellow house has nothing to do with chrysanthemum tea. It used to belong to someone called Cik Teh Bunga, so called because he was a moneylender and used to charge interest. He was not in the tea business.

    The person who first went round to associate it with chrysanthemum tea was Muhammad Haji Salleh, the poet laureate, who tried to popularise a revisionist view of Penang Malay history, glossing over what appeared to him to be the 'undesirable' side. Fortunately, older folk still remember the truth and I hope he will have the conscience to retract his statement.

    It's up to you to publish my comments. But you will have to answer to God on Yawmil Mahshar for whatever distortions you deliberately committed, no matter how noble your intentions.

    I have done my duty to remind you as a fellow Muslim and I hope you will be more responsible in reporting or publishing facts on your website.


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