I watched the YouTube video of a Javanese wedding and taught to share it here. The practice where the entire villagers come to offer help for a wedding reception is no longer a practice in modern Malay weddings. There are very few Malay weddings that still practise this very unique 'gotong royong' style of a Malay wedding and the Javanese wedding shows the best of this Malay spirit.
The music is a fusion of Malay and Arab dance music. The Arabian guitar or gambus is a notable musical element in this kind of performance.
Here's a bit of the song lyrics given under the comments for the video:
nyewo khemah yo nyewo pinggan , kerusi mejo kanggo jagongan khemah ey gawe payungan, orak kenek panas orak kene uthan nek ni noman ngiris si bawang , kacang kacang ngoncek i kentang ngirisi daging ngirisi ayam,? masak nang njero wachan godong pisang yo disuek i, wes lemper yo ngukus koci, dikukus yo digenengi wes mateng yo dicicipi
iki cerito kisah wong mantu wong jowo yo wong melayu sedulure kabeh di undhang tonggo tonggone yo di kon rewang dino setu kito sinoman dino minggu kito kondangan lepas mangan kito pamitan nek salaman ora kosongan kondangan - undhang mangan kondangan - undhang mangan kondangan
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